Stranger Things 2 Trailer: 10 Shots You Must See

3. We've Gone Full Aliens

Stranger Things Eleven

Early on in the slow march towards Stranger Things 2, the Duffer brothers suggested that a template for the show's sophomore outing would be Aliens. Sci-Fi fans immediately got the reference.

The original Alien was a "small" movie, in the sense that most of it was self-contained on the Nostromo. Once the Xenomorph was on-board, you had your core cast of characters, a claustrophobic environment, and a single creature picking crew members off one by one. In Aliens, James Cameron opened things up. Now, you were in a larger environment, with multiple creatures, a somewhat larger crew, and a larger environment. It went from a survival horror in space to an action flick.

There's definite evidence in this new trailer that Stranger Things has opted to go bigger. The number of scenes featuring heavy firepower, for one. The possibilty for multiple creatures (assuming the creature in the flames, and the larger beast lurking above Hawkins, are two separate entities). A wider universe, and a deeper dive into the Upside Down.

It's not just the Demogorgon now.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.