Stranger Things Season 3: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

15. Mrs. Wheeler

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Ever since she shared that unusual sexually-charged conversation with Billy last season, Karen Wheeler has become something of a divisive character. It was common knowledge that the mother of Mike, Nancy and Holly had been feeling unfulfilled in her marriage to Ted, but her unnerving adoration of Nancy's hunky schoolmate had fans feeling uncomfortable.

This, season, however, things changed for the better as she came ever-so-close to having that night of passion with Billy that she longed for, only to back out at the last minute when she saw her husband asleep on the couch with their daughter. She would then share heartfelt scenes with both of her children throughout the season, reminding us all of who she used to be in Season 1.

You know what we call that? Character development.

Mrs. Wheeler may never get as much screen-time as the others, but in the few scenes that she appeared this season, she grew a lot more than many of them - and that is worth applauding.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.