Supergirl Season 1: 10 Big Questions From 'Blood Bonds'

Supergirl and the Martian Manhunter working together?!

CBS€™ Supergirl returned to screens this week with Blood Bonds. As well as acting as a slightly cheesy tie-in to a certain Man of Steel during the episode€™s closing moments, the Blood Bonds title was also indicative of the relationship between Kara and her evil aunt, Astra. The mid-season finale saw Non finally stepping out of the shadows to assist Astra€™s fight against her niece, and the mid-season premiere once again sees Non with a big role to play. With Astra taken hostage by the DEO, Non pulls his own kidnapping off by taking Hank Henshaw hostage. The offer is on the table for a trade, but can the villainous Kryptonian really be trusted? Elsewhere, Max Lord€™s role seems to be expanding by the week, with him using Blood Bonds to showcase his more sinister side and make it clear that he isn€™t afraid to get his hands dirty when necessary. Whether you€™ve enjoyed Supergirl or not so far, the show is now back for the second half of its debut season, and with its return comes plenty of more questions surrounding the future of the Maid of Might and her cast of supporting characters.

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