Supergirl Season 1: 10 Big Questions From 'Blood Bonds'

2. How Will Kara Deal With The Martian Manhunter?

Secrets seemingly never last all that long when it comes to certain comic book shows. With Supergirl, it was only a handful of episodes ago that we got the big reveal that Hank Henshaw, as predicted by many, was actually J'onn J'onzz, aka the Martian Manhunter. The only person who knew about this was Kara's sister, Alex, and it was decided that Supergirl simply couldn't find out about this huge secret. But then she did. As in merely a few episodes later. With J'onn revealing himself to Kara (easy now...), questions linger over how the dynamic between these two heroes will change going forward, especially as the shifty Henshaw is now seen as quite the reliable sort.
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Senior Writer

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