Supergirl Season 4: 3 Ups & 1 Down From 'Ahimsa'


1. Too Much Exposition

Supergirl J'onn J'onzz
The CW

As viewers of a TV show, we need to understand what is happening before us on-screen. After all, we have to get what these characters are going through, what got them to this point and how they can overcome it. Long story short, we need to follow what is happening. But that doesn't mean we should be told what is happening.

Unfortunately, Supergirl fell into that trap this week when J'onn, unable to remain peaceful at a time of such anger, had turned to meditation (like his father had taught him) and suddenly launched into a highly-detailed monologue in which he described his struggles to control his anger. In theory, these lines of dialogue may have made perfect sense on the pages of a script, as he was technically talking to his deceased father - but in reality, it simply came across like he was just telling us how he felt - and where is the story in that?

The really unusual thing here is that the writers had already accomplished what this scene was supposed to do. J'onn was already showing us how angry he was getting, while voicing his concerns to Alex. Thus, this monologue wasn't even necessary, yet it was too much... far too much.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.