Supergirl Season 4: 3 Ups & 1 Down From 'Ahimsa'

1. Brainy Gets Emotional

Supergirl Brainy
The CW

Since his arrival on the show, Brainiac-5 has become one of the ultimate fan-favourite characters. With his robotic tone and inadvertent humour, the 12th-level intellect has been a source of our laughter for quite some time. However, the writers have used the events that are taking place in the show to highlight a different side to him, and it's nothing short of awesome.

Earlier this season, we discovered that emotions can indeed affect Brainy's ability to calculate an outcome, and this once again came into play this week, when he was unable to figure out a way to free the earth's atmosphere of Kryptonite. As a result, he lashed out in anger. However, this only paved the way for tears.

The moment didn't just shock Lena Luthor (and us viewers), it shocked him too. It's clear that his interactions with humanity, not to mention his first-hand experience of events that he would have once only read about, is having quite the effect on him - and it's fascinating to see this once-emotionless character develop into something greater.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.