Supergirl Season 4: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From ‘Fallout’


2. Cat Grant, Where Are You?

Supergirl Cat Grant Season 3
The CW

Olivia Marsdin's resignation from her position as president certainly switched things up in this week's episode. As some of the anti-alien brigade were outraged by the fact that there was an alien in office, Nia Nal rightfully felt it was important to do something about it and went to CatCo Media's CEO, James Olsen. However, this only shone a light on an issue that was becoming increasingly obvious: where was Cat Grant in all of this?

The former CEO of CatCo is, in her own words, Queen of all media, and last season, it was revealed that she left her business behind to officially become President Marsdin's Press Secretary.

Thus, with the episode's emphasis on how the media should speak out for aliens, and Nia's belief that CatCo should do so, wouldn't it have made sense to at least refer to Cat? Is she even still the Press Secretary, or did President Baker choose a new one? If so, where is she?

While it's well-documented that Calista Flockhart is no longer a series regular, there were various ways to cover up this major plothole. Whether it was a video message or just a throwaway line about Cat's whereabouts, we need to know why she hasn't made her voice heard on the matter. She's the almighty Cat Grant, for goodness sake! Of course she has something to say about it.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.