Supergirl Season 4: 4 Ups & 1 Down From 'Parasite Lost'


1. He Was There Before... Honest!

Supergirl Amadei
The CW

While it was great that Kara was back to representing CatCo more often, the storyline surrounding the man she interviewed left a little to be desired. Being an alien who could heal other aliens, Amadei Derros was indeed an engaging character with an intriguing backstory. However, his problem didn't lie in what we saw, it lay in what we were told.

According to the characters, Amadei was a good friend of J'onn's, who had been healing other aliens for over 20 years. This, of course, raised the question: why are we only hearing about him now?

Unfortunately, all of The CW's Arrowverse shows tend to rely heavily on words, at the expense of actions and visuals. As a result, a lot of information is simply relayed through dialogue and we're expected to go with it, without question. While the writers attempted to cover their tracks this time, as Kara revealed that Amedei had become a recluse over the past two decades and refused to do interviews with the press, it still doesn't change the fact that this man was a scared alien healer on a show that revolves around aliens. We should have heard about him by now.

Of course, the reason we didn't hear about him before is because he was a convenience for the plot of this week's episode. He simply didn't exist before. Unfortunately, that overshadows his value to the storyline as he will probably never appear again because the plot no longer requires him to.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.