Supergirl Season 4: 4 Ups & 1 Down From What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & The American Way?

2. Everything Has A Purpose

Supergirl Super Friends
The CW

While 'What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?' was heavily promoted as the episode in which we would see the Super Friends form, the final product didn't just deliver a single all-star team up, it went out of its way to prove its own worth to the overall season and, in doing so, proved that a lot of this season's seemingly random stories weren't all that random after all.

While it was once again thematically-heavy, focusing on the aliens vs. racists arc that recent episodes had strayed from, it also pulled from a ton of the season's standalone episodes. Manchester Black's Elite team reintroduced us to Menagerie and the last-surviving Morai (characters that we previously thought were one-and-done villains) as the unlikely allies all banded together in an attempt to fight for aliens' rights.

But perhaps the most fulfilling part was the return of Supergirl's Super Suit, which she used to fly into space and save the White House from destruction. This previously short-lived element had merely been introduced as a way of keeping Supergirl in the show when Melissa Benoist was still on Broadway at the beginning of the season and, as soon as she returned, it was dropped altogether. While its first use wasn't exactly welcome, given that it was nothing more than a plot device, its return was a pleasant surprise because, this time, it was necessary to the overall story.

With the exception of one minor character (we'll get to that later), everything in 'What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, And The American Way?' had a real purpose and it allowed the writers to tie a ton of this season's short-lived elements together nicely, making them seem a lot more important to the overall narrative than we initially thought they were.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.