Supergirl Season 4: 4 Ups & 1 Down From What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & The American Way?

1. Supergirl And Alex Mend Their Working Relationship

Supergirl Kara and Alex
The CW

When J'onn mind-wiped Alex of everything to do with Kara's secret identity as Supergirl, the Girl of Steel was caught off-guard by how much her sister's attitudes towards aliens had changed. While this was, of course, a sign of how the pair's relationship (both as sisters and as colleagues) influenced her outlook, it meant that, going forward, their dynamic would be forever altered. This was clearer than ever when Alex confronted Supergirl for interfering in a D.E.O. mission and reprimanded her for "assaulting" an agent. However, this week, things took a turn in the opposite direction.

Suergirl, unable to understand the government's baffling actions, turned to the D.E.O. Director for help and disclosed everything she knew about Claymore. Shocked, Alex told the Girl of Steel to follow her heart, no matter how it would be perceived by others. While this was undoubtedly a major development in and of itself, Alex decided to take her own advice and, in doing so, showed up in Wyoming to help Kara's Super Friends diffuse the situation and ultimately destroy the Claymore satellite.

Despite the fact that Alex is unaware that they are sisters, her bewilderment of her own government's actions allowed her to once again find common ground with Supergirl and, after teasing us with more potential pro bono case-solving between the pair, it's looking like they are finally working their way back to the relationship they once had.

Not even secrets and mind-wipes can get in the way of sisterhood.

Now, for the negative...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.