Supergirl Season 4: 5 Ups & 0 Downs From 'Call To Action'

3. The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

Supergirl Nia Nal
The CW

While Nicole Maines has proven to be a great addition to the show's line-up this year, the Nia Nal character hasn't really been involved in any significant storylines since she first showed up. However, that hasn't stopped the writers from dropping a few subtle hints about her dream-filled future.

'Call To Action' saw Nia once again fall asleep unwillingly. While Kara was concerned, the upcoming reporter attempted to cover her tracks, claiming that she has narcolepsy. But, if you've been doing your reading on the character, you'll know that this isn't actually the case, as Nia Nal is destined to become Dreamer - the ancestor of DC comics character Nura Nal/Dream Girl.

Thus, it's pretty clear that her daytime naps shall continue to have an impact on her life, forcing her to eventually open up to someone - Kara or Brainy perhaps being the most likely options right now. Until then, the writers will keep teasing us and we will keep loving it.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.