Supergirl Season 4: 6 Major Questions We Have After The Midseason Premiere

5. Is Colonel Haley A Friend Or Foe?

Supergirl Kara
The CW

After having her performance as D.E.O. Director called into question by the confrontational President Baker, Alex found herself with a new babysitter. Colonel Lauren Haley, of the United States Marine Corps, was recruited to monitor Alex's decision-making skills and to, more often than not, make the big decisions on her behalf.

Since arriving, Haley has been a rather conflicting character. Though she had that larger-than-life intimidating presence you would expect from such a high-ranking officer, she mellowed a little and even praised Alex for defying her orders because she managed to get the job done. However, the writers threw a rather unexpected curveball when she voiced her disgust at J'onn's tenure in the D.E.O., launching into a tirade about how having an alien in the U.S. government made a mockery of the system.

Haley's bigotry added an interesting dynamic to the show because, as we have seen since the very beginning, the D.E.O. always does its best to protect humans and aliens and, quite frankly, having this type of oppression within her own workplace will give Alex a lot more to fight for.

This, however, doesn't change the fact that she is still a rather hard character to call. While she's undoubtedly driven, her only concern is getting the job done, regardless of the cost. Throw in her apparent bigotry towards aliens (and her incessant desire to control Supergirl) and we can't help but wonder whether she's there to help the D.E.O. or hinder the progress that it has made.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.