Supergirl Season 4 Premiere: 7 Ups & 1 Down From 'American Alien'

6. Coming Full Circle

Supergirl Kara Nia
The CW

Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the season premiere was Nia Nal's debut. With the ability to sell a pitch in seconds and the passion required for the job, she proved herself a number of times in the episode and, although she was too fearful to ultimately steal the pitch she wanted, she wasted no time making an unforgettable impression - nor did Nicole Maines, who did an outstanding job and held her own when sharing the screen with Supergirl veterans Melissa Benoist and Mehcad Brooks.

As Kara watched her ramble on about how unlucky she had been, it was impossible to imagine anything other than Kara Danvers. Nia's rather unfortunate and self-deprecating manner was identical to Kara's at the very beginning of the show as she stumbled around trying to impress Miss Grant.

The unmissable similarities led to Kara taking the young reporter under her wing, offering her advice whenever necessary. This in itself was another example of how far the Girl of Steel had come. She was no longer fetching coffees or stressing over her boss, she was now the leader and she was ready to share her knowledge with Nia. As James correctly pointed out, Kara had adopted a Cat Grant-like role in Nia's life - and it was glorious to see.

In that scene, it was clear that the show had come full-circle. Kara wasn't just a superhero anymore, she was a hero in her workplace, just as Cat was to her.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.