Supergirl Season 5 Review: 6 Ups & 3 Downs From Crisis On Infinite Earths, Part 1

2. Lena The Martyr

Supergirl Lena Luthor Alex Danvers Crisis On Infinite Earths
The CW

While Lena Luthor's unnecessary heel turn has paved the way for some truly wonderful character-driven story elements, it was a complete drag on the Crisis. Yes, it was kept to something of a minimum due to the fact that Alex visited her and asked for her help (instead of Kara) but it was a conflict that felt completely out-of-place given the circumstances.

Every five minutes Lena felt the need to remind Alex - who had just saved her life - that they were no longer friends (in the most highly-expositional way so that non-Supergirl viewers would have a clue why she was behaving in such a ridiculous manner) and, quite frankly, it left viewers wanting to scream at her because it's the end of the freakin' world.

Get your priorities straight, Lena.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.