Supergirl Trailer: 25 Easter Eggs And References You Need To See

1. Her Famous Cousin

In case the almost countless references throughout the six minute trailer didn't make it clear, Supergirl is indeed Superman's cousin. It's hard to say whether these heavy handed references are just for the pilot, the trailer, or will be present in the series moving forwards, but they're going to have to be very careful with how they handle him in this world. Chances are that because Henry Cavill is playing Superman on the big screen, the show won't be able to introduce a version of him here. While it's great that Kara is inspired by Superman, constant nods to existence will ultimately just frustrate those who are hoping he'll show up. It's not going to happen, so Supergirl will be better off focusing solely on her.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.