Supernatural 9.1, "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here" - Review & Recap

Screen Shot 2013 10 10 At 4 34 05 Pm Hospital. Dean goes to the parking garage to check in with Crowley, who has been locked in the trunk of the Impala since the end of Season 8. Before Mark Sheppard can pop up and make a guest appearance, however, an angry angel shows up to attack Dean and try to force information about Castiel out of him. Fortunately, instead of Dean getting an angel blade to the back of the head, another angel appears out of nowhere to save him,'s Helo! Hi, Helo! Together, Dean and Helo kill the other angel, and Helo tells Dean that he is there to help before collapsing on the floor of the parking garage. Dean, apparently having never seen an episode of Battlestar Galactica, is not immediately devastated by the turn of events. Hale and Castiel talk. Presumably because they are both creatures from multiple planes of existence, Hail manages to take him on a guilt trip even while they are both sitting together outside of a gas station. Castiel tries to put a sunny spin on the whole "the-angels-have-fallen-and-it's-kinda-my-fault" situation and decides to road trip to the Grand Canyon with his new friend Hale. Meanwhile, Dean has trapped Helo in a ring of burning holy oil. Helo tells Dean that his name is Ezekiel. I decide that I am going to keep calling him Helo. Helo, proving Castiel-esque in his willingness to overlook Dean's abuse of holy oil, offers to side with Team Free Will and heal Sam. Coma Sam. As they walk through a forest that is thankfully not in Purgatory, Dead Bobby tries to convince Sam to journey with him into the afterlife, probably because Bobby wants to hang out with a Winchester other than John. At the hospital, Helo tries to heal Sam, but Helo's injuries combined with Sam's weakness are proving to be an unfortunate combination. Before Dean can do what he usually does with helpful angels and stab Helo, his phone rings. It's Castiel! Cas fills Dean in on how Metatron tricked him, wanting Dean to know that he hadn't done any of this on purpose. Aww. Dean fills Cas in on Sammy's condition. Cas tells Dean that Metatron stole his Grace, but then ignores his own terrible loss to focus on the Winchesters' troubles. Aww! Castiel immediately decides to come to their aid; Dean tells him to stay away for his own safety; Castiel decides to abandon Hale and go to their aid anyway. Aww? (Sidenote: Whatever side you fall on with the Destiel debate, you have to admit that the friendship between these two is awfully sweet.) Anyway, Dean hangs up on Castiel as the hospital begins to quake and--upon learning from Helo that more angels are coming--begins to graffiti the walls of Sam's hospital room with symbols, hoping to ward off the other angels and totally freaking out any future patients who have to use Sam's room. Gas station. Castiel breaks up with Hale, deciding that the Winchesters are more important than going with her to the Grand Canyon. Taking the news as well as you can imagine, Hale whacks Castiel over the head with a wooden plank. As you do.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .