Supernatural 9.3, "I'm No Angel" Recap And Review

They Can't Take Him AnywhereScreen Shot 2013 10 25 At 4 45 17 Pm Bunker. Dean is the picture of domesticity in a bathrobe as he pours himself some coffee. He shouts for Sam, because Kevin Tran does not exist in this episode. Sam enters from outside, having already cleaned the bunker, gone for a run, and picked up breakfast. Instead of thanking him for being an awesome roommate, Dean expresses concern for Sam's post-trial health, and Sam insists that he feels great...before Ezekiel takes over. Samzekiel tells Dean that "angel chatter" indicates that a faction of fallen angels is organizing itself to hunt for Castiel. We get our first hint that Ezekiel may be getting a little bit too comfortable in Sammy's body as he tries to sell Dean on his usefulness. At Dean's insistence, Sam comes back to himself and is confused by the new information that Dean seems to have gotten out of nowhere. Dean covers, and the brothers decide to look for Cas. They find a news report of the two dead priests. In Iowa, Dean interviews some of the homeless men whom the church had employed to work the grounds in exchange for housing. One of them recognizes Castiel's description, but says that he went by the name of "Clarence." Sam makes fun of Dean for not knowing that "Clarence" was the name of the angel from It's A Wonderful Life. I tell Sam to shut up, because I didn't know that either. The boys head to a homeless camp under a bridge, where they learn that Clarenstiel had been attacked by the angelfied pharmacist. The boys put on their FBI faces and go to the police department, where they search the dead pharmacist's effects and find that he had dozens of Billy Boyle's podcast on his phone. Dean asks just how far a reach Boyle has, so Sam does an online search for "Reverend Buddy Boyle Going for Glory Hour." Naturally, the perfect map with the exact information pops up. I need to start using that search engine. The Winchesters leave the police station, and we see that the angel-hired Reaper was eavesdropping the entire time. With another visit to the homeless camp, they discover that Castiel was probably heading for Detroit. First Iowa, then Detroit...Cas really knows how to live it up. Spn 9 3 Winchesters Pic Before heading to Michigan, Sam and Dean make a stop at a convenience store to pick up some pie and practically shout about their plans for Cas-recovery. The Reaper doesn't catch on, and the boys capture him. It really was a convenient store. They take the Reaper to an abandoned warehouse of some sort, and Dean tortures him with an angel blade until the Reaper fills the boys in on the new angel faction. Dean is pretty ruthless here, and Sammy gives him a few uncomfortable looks. The Reaper makes the mistake of telling Dean to do what he wants with him, so Dean just goes ahead and kills him. That was the Reaper's own fault, really. Dean likes killing people who mess with his family. The brothers return to the Impala and head for Michigan. Dean breaks the speed limit just a smidge, but Sam wisely decides not to comment. In Detroit the next morning, the Winchesters are frustrated at their lack of progress. Dean decides that it's time for Plan B and tries to talk Ezekiel into taking over Sam's body so that they can confab. "I'm letting you know," Dean says significantly. Ezekiel doesn't get it, and Dean has to repeat himself several more times--confusing the heck out of Sam--before the angel catches on. They really need a code word. Anyway, Dean asks Zeke to track down any local Reapers who might lead them to Castiel. It works, and Sam and Dean rush to try to save the day. Meanwhile...


Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .