Teen Wolf: Every Season Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Season 2

Teen Wolf MTV

It takes most shows a season or two to really find their footing. Whilst the first run of Teen Wolf suffered from too much exposition, weak special effects and a shade too much melodrama, Season Two perfected its formula and saw the show, for the first time, seem completely comfortable in its own skin.

Season Two has everything Season One has - Scott and Allison's relationship, Stiles' uncanny grasp of sarcasm, Derek's hope for power - and so much more. New antagonist Gerard Argent remains one of the show's most chilling and truly despicable creations, Matt's decent into evil is great to watch, and Jackson's arc makes for some strong visuals and emotional weight.

On top of that, Melissa finds out Scott's secret, Peter makes an epic and decidedly creepy return, and the ambiguous Alpha Pack reveal at the season's climax is a true gasp-inducing moment, promising big things ahead.

Sure, the effects still aren't great, and Jackson is quite a difficult character to like for much of the season (sorry), but the emotional weight and tight writing make it the true beginning of Teen Wolf realising its potential.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.