Teen Wolf: Every Season Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Season 5A

Teen Wolf MTV

The first half of Season Five is much like its successor. It's dark, and much more mature; the characters neglected in Season Four get some outstanding arcs (particularly Malia, who is still trying to adjust to the way of the world and deal with the fact that her mother is an infamous assassin); and the threat of the Dread Doctors makes for palpable tension at its finest.

Theo is a good addition here, too. A werewolf who proves early on to more than meets the eye, his scenes with Scott - where he tries to wriggle his way into the inner circle - and Stiles - who (rightly) doesn't trust him - makes for thrilling TV and a compelling adversary.

Much like the second half, though, Season Five's opener also suffers from a need to throw as much at its characters as humanly possible, which makes it hard to follow in places. Still, thanks to solid acting (mainly from Dylan O'Brien, whose anxiety-ridden Stiles makes for a source of constant unease, and Dylan Sprayberry, who comes into his own as Scott's young beta) and some great horror visuals, it's an engaging and riveting addition to the series.

Plus, the premier is arguably the best episode of the show - certainly one of the most emotional.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.