The 10 Best Acted Scenes Of Game Of Thrones Season 8

8. Tyrion And Sansa In The Crypts

Game Of Thrones Jorah Daenerys

Anyone would be forgiven for thinking Tyrion and Sansa were about to meet their ends in this powerful scene.

When all seems lost as the dead in the crypts are rising, the looks on Peter Dinklage and Sophie Turner’s faces say it all. The beautiful music emphasises the true fear in the hearts of even the bravest leaders when faced with the impossible, and the abandonment of hope is clear as they tremble.

What makes this scene interesting is that it was cut for time, as Turner has referred to this scene as her first real action scene, only for the fight to be cut for the episode. Cutting it really works in terms of showing how helpless they truly were. Differences are put aside for the benefit of comfort in death, and as Tyrion kisses Sansa’s hand as they prepare for imminent death, the viewers fear the worst.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.