The Best And Worst Episode Of EVERY Doctor Who Series
13. Series 2

Worst: Love & Monsters
This was a close one. If not for the last fifteen minutes, Love and Monsters would be nowhere near the bottom spot - I’m actually a huge fan of Elton Pope and the LINDA plot (and the episode will always get bonus points for ELO). Unfortunately, the story is completely derailed and forever tainted by Peter Kay running around in possibly the worst monster costume of all time. Any chance this episode had of salvaging itself is also completely ruined by the god awful implications of that paving slab joke at the end. Yikes.
Dishonourable Mention: Fear Her
Best: The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
This one by far and away wins series 2, and it’s no contest. Putting the Doctor up against the devil should have been a jump the shark moment, but this two-parter sells the ‘ancient evil’ vibes so well, with a rich setting and one of the most likeable supporting casts ever gathered for the show. The Ood design is terrific, the visuals are utterly superb, and that musical score… wow.
Honourable Mention: Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel