The Big Bang Theory: 10 Greatest Celebrity Cameos So Far

9. Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak Next up is Sheldon Cooper's 15th favourite technological visionary. The co-founder of Apple €“ along with Steve Jobs, who is Sheldon's 21st favourite visionary €“ he appeared in season four's 'The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification'. The plot goes like this €“ Sheldon has made a virtual presence device as he's worried about not living long enough for him to transfer his consciousness to machines. Yet while the gang are eating out The Cheesecake Factory at the they see 'the great and powerful Woz' and Sheldon goes and talks to him. They share views on turtle necks and nifty computers. At the end of this short cameo he just turns to his partner and says 'nerds,' disdainfully. Honestly, I couldn't have summed it up better myself.

Oliver is a lover of all things football. A Sheffield Wednesday season ticket holder he's happy to have a chat, unless you're a blade of course.