The Big Bang Theory: 10 Reasons Sheldon Cooper Should Be Killed Off

9. His Selfishness

In early episodes, it was a pleasurable source of humour when Sheldon not only cared little for the thoughts and feelings of others, but was seemingly unaware of their very existence, instead coiled-up in his own world of undeveloped emotions. But as the series continued, Sheldon now appears fully aware that his friends have feelings and emotions that they sometimes need help with. And his general reaction is to either simply ignore them or manage to turn on them with his own woes. Also, consider the The Extract Obliteration, which gives the perfect definition of Sheldon€™s selfishness - that of needing a chess timer to allow him to listen to Leonard€™s troubles, only for him to burst forth with his own dilemmas as soon as the clock stops.

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.