The Big Bang Theory: 10 Reasons Sheldon Cooper Should Be Killed Off

7. His Ego

It€™s amazing how Sheldon€™s unshakable belief in his own superiority hasn€™t gotten him murdered yet. It dependably takes a prolonged length of time for him to experience some form of epiphany which brings him down to Earth, even if only temporarily. And yet it€™s still amazing how high his ego continues to run. In the real world, if your ego was that maniacal, your friends would either try to help you out of being that type of person, or they would up sticks and leave you to your own devices. Neither of these things have happened, and the gang instead simply treat Sheldon as an immensely quirky individual for whom nothing can be done. After all, his mother did have him tested.

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.