The Book Of Boba Fett: 10 Things You Missed
Did you catch the nod to the Holiday Special?

It's fair to say that there is no movie property with more Easter eggs than Star Wars. In every film, TV series, and animated show, you're waiting for a familiar face to show up or for a character to say, "I have a bad feeling about this".
So, while watching The Book of Boba Fett, die-hard fans were scanning every scene, hoping to spot references to the books, video games, and comics. If you're a Star Wars buff, you may think you detected every nod and in-joke the Disney+ series has to offer. You probably noticed Max Rebo's cameo, recognised Black Krrsantan from the Doctor Aphra comic, and clocked the Wilhelm scream when the rancor hurled a pyke.
However, some Easter eggs are so subtle, even the most avid fans didn't pick up on them. Throughout the latest Star Wars saga, there are references to the original trilogy's deleted scenes, John Carter, and (shudder) the Star Wars Holiday Special. If you are attuned to the Force, you may have discerned a few of these references. But only a true Jedi would have noticed them all.
10. Attention To Detail In Boba's Armour - Chapter 1

In Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett supposedly died when he plummeted into the Sarlacc pit. In the opening of The Book of Boba Fett, we see the legendary bounty hunter managed to climb our of the Sarlacc before the grotesque sand beast managed to digest him.
Although it's not specified when this scene takes place, it's safe to assume it's a day or two after the events in ROTJ. Because of this, one would naturally assume the titular antihero's armour is identical to how it was depicted in Return of the Jedi, for the sake of continuity.
However, the showrunners went above and beyond what you would expect. If you look closely, you'll notice Boba's cape is missing. Not only that, the Wookie braids on his shoulder armour is also missing. So, what gives? Did the prop department forget?
On the contrary - the film crew took these details into account. Because these materials are composed of organic fibres, the digestive enzymes in the pit would've caused them to melt away. Basically, these materials were removed for the sake of realism, which is something you wouldn't expect from any Star Wars property.