The Boys Season 2: 10 Biggest WTF Moments

5. Lucy The Whale

Maeve The Boys
Amazon Prime

For much of the first season of The Boys, it wasn't The Deep's powers that brought him into the story, but the despicable way he treated Annie when she first joined the team. He was ultimately kicked out of The Seven without truly showing what he could do.

This changed in season two, after he was picked up from rock bottom by Eagle the Archer and the Church of the Collective. With Billy and co. having been spotted on a boat in the open water, Deep was sent in to stop them, with the promise of being welcomed back into The Seven.

His idea was sound. He enlisted the help of a gigantic whale, and set about blocking the Boys' path. However, he didn't anticipate just how far Butcher was willing to go, as the Englishmen ploughed the front of his speedboat straight through the belly of Lucy the whale.

This was one of the most ridiculous scenes in the show and, though it's a shame it was spoiled in the trailers, still shocked everyone watching. Everyone was covered from head to toe in blood, as Hughie actually had to be coaxed out of the whale's insides. He was literally inside her chest.

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The Boys
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.