The Boys Season 2: 10 Biggest WTF Moments

2. The Exploitation Of Maeve's Sexuality

Maeve The Boys
Amazon Prime

Diversity, equal opportunities, and representation are incredibly important, and this is no different for Vought Industries. When Homelander was criticised on live TV for The Seven lacking somewhat in this department, he decided to reveal to the world that Queen Maeve was gay without even discussing it with her first.

From here, Ashley and Vought Industries began exploiting Maeve's relationship with Elena for nothing more than popularity points and to get trending on Twitter. Even when the supe corrected her team, telling that she was bi-sexual rather than gay, she was shot down by Vought's view that being bi-sexual wasn't as marketable. She was essentially told that she had to be gay.

This came hand in hand with new, incredibly condescending and patronising merchandise, such as Brave Maeve Pride Bars, and Brave Maeve's Rainbow Veggie Burger.

When Elena eventually left Maeve, and she was found in bed with two men, Ashley was furious with her because such a thing was 'not on brand' for her. She didn't care about Maeve's feelings, or the fact that her relationship had ended, but instead was worried about how this would effect the public's perception of the supe, and how that would damage Vought.

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The Boys
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.