The Boys Season 3: 10 Things You Need To Know

8. Two Key Cast Members Become Series Regulars

The Boys Jensen Ackles
Amazon Prime

One of the biggest (and confusing) plot twists in season two of The Boys came during the finale when it was revealed that Congresswoman Victoria Neuman was the one responsible for all those exploding heads. Played by laudia Doumit, it was obviously something bigger was being set up for a third season, and the actress has since been confirmed as a series regular.

Colby Minifie, meanwhile, has received a similar upgrade as Ashley Barrett, the Vought Industries publicist forced to deal with The Seven as the Vice President of "Hero Management."

With both characters receiving more screentime, it seems likely that the secrets surrounding Neuman will be addressed in a big way, while Barrett should be taking on a larger role in helping The Seven regain their position as beloved heroes after everything that happened with Stormfront.

Unfortunately, no additional details have been revealed beyond this, but for fans of both women, this is obviously very good news.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.