The CRAZY History Of Doctor Who And Disney

4. 1994 - Sylvester McCoy Joins The Disney Club

Doctor Who TARDIS Disney Club Disney XD

Although the period between 1989 and 2005 is widely referred to as Doctor Who's Wilderness Years, the Doctor was never far from our TV screens.

Case in point, the 23 January 1994 episode of the ITV children's show The Disney Club, in which the Seventh Doctor showed up to help host Richard Orford with his time machine.

Unlike Tom Baker in Disney Time, Sylvester McCoy doesn't arrive in the TARDIS, presumably because this appearance took place on the BBC's rival network.

McCoy is in character as the Seventh Doctor though, reminiscing about the TARDIS and the Daleks while appraising Orford's time-travelling shower cubicle, before dematerialising away.

Five years after Doctor Who ended and over two years before the TV Movie feels like a weird time to have the Seventh Doctor turn up on a kids show. So why did the Doctor join The Disney Club?

The full Disney Club episode no longer exists, but from what we can surmise from various descriptions, the Doctor's appearance was part of a time-travel themed episode that also featured characters from the sci-fi children's show The Tomorrow People.

The Doctor? Helping ITV promote their rival time-travel show? That Disney money must've been really damn good!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.