The Defenders: 10 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

3. Jessica Jones Is Basically An Eye-Roll Meme (And Luke Cage Barely Matters)

The Defenders Jessica Jones

Because of the focus on The Hand and Elektra, Daredevil and Danny Rand end up being the most important parts of the Defenders ensemble.

Sure, Luke Cage ends up embroiled because he's protecting a low-level kid press-ganged into working for The Hand, and Jessica Jones was investigating someone tired to the group's evil business machinations, but they're just not key to the plot at all.

Luke ends up being charismatic muscle, who could be removed with very little impact on the plot, and Jessica Jones stands around bemused by everything, rolling her eyes and generally being snarky. The first few times she does that, it's great. By the end of it all, it's a tiresome act that seems to be papering over the fact that she has nothing else to do.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.