The Defenders: 10 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

4. No Punisher, No Kilgrave, No Kingpin, No Dice

Marvel's The Punisher

There is nobody in this tent-pole ensemble who comes anywhere near the level of Punisher, Kilgrave or Kingpin at all.

Perhaps because of the Alexandra problem, or the decision to bring back Gao and Bakuto (and introduce Murakami to the mix), the villainy is completely diluted, but the show also has a problem with charisma. In Daredevil, Daredevil 2 and Jessica Jones, the action was driven irresistibly by the personalities of those three stand-out characters.

In The Defenders, there's nothing like that: in their place is a charm vacuum that simply isn't filled by The Supporters, or by the clash of personalities within the group of heroes themselves. So you end up just wishing that one of those characters - or even Black Mariah and Shades - would turn up to dial up the charm or something.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.