The Defenders: 30 Best Easter Eggs In Netflix's Marvel Universe (So Far)

14. The Preacher Reference - Jessica Jones

Preacher Jesse Custer
DC Comics

Kilgrave's powers make him one of the most formidable and terrifying villains to have appeared in Marvel's shows and movies to date - after all, there's only so much muscle can do for you in terms of fear. Having your brain weaponised against you (and against everyone else) is a far more affecting evil.

Naturally, at one point in Jessica Jones, the Purple Man throws out a Jedi mind trick reference (it would be daft to ignore the similarities), but there's an even better allusion to another similar moment from another fandom entirely.

When Kilgrave jokingly mentions that he "once told a man to go screw himself"€€ he's basically stealing one of the most famous gags from Vertigo's Preacher comics, in which Jesse Custer uses his Word Of God power to make someone rather unfortunately go f*ck himself. Since the guy takes it as an irrefutable instruction, the results are naturally as colourful as you'd expect.


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