The Defenders Early Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Must See

8. Character Interactions Are The Easy Highlight

The Defenders Iron Fist Jessica Jones
"Showrunners Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez (fresh from Daredevil’s second season) do have some crowd-pleasing fun with the lead characters’ interactions. When Luke and Iron Fist (who in the comics are partners and best buds) first meet, they have a full-on punch-up — and we get to see what happens when chi-infused knuckles hit a bulletproof jaw." - Empire
"There are a lot of great interactions and cameos by staple characters from each of the series (Carrie Ann-Moss as Jeri Hogarth, Elden Henson as Foggy Neson, and a surprisingly small role for Rosario Dawson’s Claire) but The Defenders never takes for granted that viewers will have seen all of the other series going into this, even though the experience is obviously more rewarding if you have...There’s more humor, too, which at first feels a little out of place when everything else is played with such seriousness, but it’s also a major relief. These are four people with superpowers — shouldn’t somebody be having a little fun?" - Collider
"Unlike its silver screen sibling The Avengers, a lot more time can be devoted to showing these characters getting to know each other. The early distrust feels natural and so does the eventual teamwork. This is not a show that skimps on the banter, which is better than the action...They’re not
just stronger together than they are apart—it turns out they’re more entertaining, too." - Gizmodo

Unsurprisingly, The Defenders has one major thing in common with The Avengers: the best thing about it is the banter between the focal team members, even more so than the action.

Seeing these oddballs reluctantly paired together to fight evil has a surreal quality to it that makes it truly feel like something significant, especially with the characters' varying personalities creating plenty of internal conflict.

There's humour and, perhaps most crucially, there's a lot of people taking opportunity to insult Danny Rand as much as possible. Alright, then.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.