The Defenders Early Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Must See

7. The Opening Fight Scene Is Terrible

The Defenders Iron Fist
"The Defenders does open with an underwhelming and poorly edited fight scene that feels ripped right out of Iron Fist, the weakest of the Marvel Netflix shows to date. But it soon recovers in weaving together the until-now disparate story threads of the previous series." - We Got This Covered
"Unfortunately, it also kicks off with a pitch-black fight scene starring Danny. Not the way to get people hyped, even if you are an Iron Fist apologist." - Collider

Perhaps the biggest complaint about Iron Fist was that the fight scenes, when they finally showed up, were horrendously dull, badly shot and woefully choreographed. When you've got a show called Iron Fist, it's really important that the punching looks great.

The Defenders doesn't exactly get off on the right foot either sadly, with an incoherent and boring opening fight that apparently feels incredibly Iron Fist-esque.

Though critics have gone on to state that this is thankfully the outlier from the action in the first four episodes, it's still a terrible way to kick things off, and doesn't seem to set the right mood out of the gate.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.