The Defenders Early Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Must See

4. Jessica Jones Is The Standout

The Defenders Jessica Jones
"Jessica Jones is again a standout, as the PI’s story is the only one with any forward momentum. She’s still dodging calls to take cases, but she alone has a clear sense of who she is and what she wants to be doing." - Collider
"Krysten Ritter’s Jessica Jones makes you long for a second season of her show, and for it to come as quickly as possible. Her series depicted what was a very personal fight for her, and this show does a good job of using her buried-deep need to help and her not-so-buried curiosity to explain how she gets entangled with the Hand. The fact that she’s reluctant and almost hostile to getting involved is wonderfully true to the character and provides realistic tension." - Gizmodo
"Ritter in particular is at the top of her game, serving as the sarcastic naysayer and resident cynic of the group. Her chemistry with Colter — who himself brings the same charm and altruism as he did on his own show — has, after all, been well-documented on Jessica Jones, and she shares a surprisingly strong connection with Cox, no doubt buoyed by the pair’s more brooding approach to heroism." - We Got This Covered

This shouldn't be that shocking, but it's nice to have it confirmed regardless: Kristen Ritter's Jessica Jones continues to be the standout of the Defender characters, as her own separate story is easily the best of the bunch, and Ritter is clearly having great fun bouncing dialogue off her "colleagues".

For JJ fans desperate for her second season, currently penciled in for 2018, to release, it sounds like The Defenders does provide a solid fix in the meantime.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.