The Defenders Early Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Must See

5. The Show Focuses Around Danny...Unfortunately

The Defenders Iron Fist
"Here is where The Defenders makes its most major mistake by setting the show completely around Danny, who has no real connection to his father’s company these days other than occasionally putting on a suit to get into a board room to say “I’m Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist!” It’s not great...In their new dynamic, Danny is, so far, something of an annoying younger brother, even though he is also their de facto leader. " - Collider
"Is Finn Jones still so void of charisma that it’s still painful to watch Danny Rand? Yes. But thankfully, he is not on his own very much. He’s unavoidably still the point of entry into the story, but the second any other Defender arrives to puncture his self-importance, he fades into the background. The Defenders recognizes, where Iron Fist did not, the many, many reasons people didn’t take to Danny Rand. Acknowledging his insufferableness by letting the other characters recognize it doesn’t cure the mistakes of Iron Fist, but it helps." - Gizmodo

Pretty much everyone was hoping that, due to the negative response to Iron Fist, the character would take as much of a backseat as possible here...but that seems to be the exact opposite of what happens.

Though there is praise for the scenes in which other characters rip him a new one, he is also the center around which everything revolves, but by not being left alone with the audience very often, at least he's not quite so irritating to watch as in his own show.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.