Doctor Who: The Doctor's 11 Most Memorable One Liners To Date

"Who da man?!"

Any Whovian will tell you that the Doctor is eccentric, whimsical, intelligent, a bit cross at times, and, well... just plain alien. But they'll also tell you that he's an ingenious idiot (pardon the oxymoron), letting loose the most ridiculous, tongue-twisting conglomerations of words that are sure to get some laughs and designate him as the most bad-ass character in sci-fi history along the way. And just like all sci-fi adventure canons, Doctor Who is brimming with action. With action, one liners are bound to follow. Amid the chaos of an intergalactic battle or an equally catastrophic argument ricocheting between him and Amy Pond, the Doctor manages to squeeze in some perfectly timed, witty jokes, too. Although these uncannily clever remarks may allude to the writers behind the words (they're the puppeteers holding the strings, after all), Whovians like to imagine that it's the Doctor who's being clever because everyone knows - even the Doctor himself, perhaps a bit too well - that he's the cleverest person in the room. There are probably countless one liners that merit recognition but Whovians can't isolate the infinite number of times that Doctor Who has coaxed a grin or sent them into hysterical fits of laughter. Nevertheless, here are some of the most memorable one liners that, even after dozens of re-watches, are still able to crack a smile.
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Anna is an aspiring writer who has an incurable obsession with Doctor Who. When she is not writing about Doctor Who, she's watching favorite episodes and contemplating what to write next. When she's writing about Doctor Who, she anticipates her reward: watching yet another Doctor Who episode. She also manages to read science fiction (especially Ray Bradbury), recite lines from Shakespeare's Macbeth, and make terrible puns in her free time (she likes to imagine she has great puntential, though)