The Flash: 10 Questions We Need Answered Before The End Of The Season

8. Is Jay Really Dead?

The Flash Zoom Harrison Wells Running to Stand Still
The CW

While it’s still pretty hard to wrap one’s head around just how many characters are walking around with Teddy Sears’s face, we do know that one of them may already be gone. The Jay Garrick we saw stand by the portal to Earth-2 was impaled by Zoom’s hand, and brought back to his lair, only to be thrown on the ground and not seen again since.

So is that it, Jay’s dead? A hand through the chest is a tough injury to come back from but much stranger things have happened on this show, and the effects of something like Velocity-9 are sure to make dying a little more complicated.

Perhaps the more pertinent query is just who it is exactly that we’re worried about dying. It seemed to be the Jay Garrick that Team Flash knows but writer Andrew Kreisberg said that Zoom was the Jay that had spent all the time with them. We need answers to this bait and switch, and we may need that incapacitated Jay alive to help answer them.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.