The Flash: 8 Mistakes It Must Fix In Season 3

7. Kicking Caitlin To The Curb

The Flash Zoom Reverse-Flash
The CW

Although her character didn't get the funny lines that Cisco did, Caitlin still felt like a valuable member of STAR Labs during the first season of The Flash. There was a clear team dynamic that she slotted into, and she was wholly necessary as part of that, while getting some of her own moments as well thanks to the return of Ronnie.

Tragedy struck in Season 2 when it was revealed that Ronnie had died in order to close the singularity that had opened up above Central City, so it wasn't surprising when Caitlin was a downbeat figure. However, the show never did much with the character after that, as she entered into a flirtatious relationship with not-Jay Garrick. That was about the bulk of what she got to do for most of Season 2, until, well, she was then taken prisoner once Jay revealed his true self. No time was really given over to her struggles or the PTSD she was suffering from, with the show half-exploring it but never fully committing. It's no wonder Danielle Panabaker took such clear delight in playing Killer Frost, because it meant she really got to do something fun and different.

Whether it's giving Caitlin a meatier storyline, or maybe even making her Killer Frost on Earth-1, the show needs to do something more with one of its original main characters.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.