The Flash: Every Main Villain - Ranked

1. Reverse Flash

Flash TV Show Black Flash
The CW

Eobard Thawne is by far the series' best villain, as well as one of the best antagonists in the entire Arrowverse. The futuristic fanatic has been the bane of Barry's existence since his childhood, and has gone out of his way (even cheating existential erasure a couple of times) to ensure that his former idol endures waves of suffering so that he can be the best version of his heroic self.

Initially posing as scientist Harrison Wells, Thawne quickly endeared himself to Barry (and the audience) due to a winning combination of deft writing and Tom Cavanaugh's and Matt Letscher's incredibly layered performances. This combination ensured that the reveal that Wells was in fact Barry's arch-nemesis was equal parts heartbreaking and rage-inducing.

Although recent seasons have overused the villain with the intent of shock value, Eobard Thawne has remained an entertaining presence, and has gone on to shine in other Arrowverse properties such as the second season of Legends of Tomorrow.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.