The Flash: Every Main Villain - Ranked

2. Zoom

Flash TV Show Black Flash
The CW

The Flash's sophomore attempt at bringing a speedster villain to life was not quite as effective as the first, but Hunter Zolomon/Zoom made for both a disarming and intimidating presence during his time on Earth-1.

Teddy Sears' performance was up to the task of conveying Zolomon's psychotic rage, as well as his disarming charm while posing as Jay Garrick. His introduction also paved the way for the multiverse (specifically Earth-2) and it was a treat seeing him (and the rest of the cast) interact with alternate versions of themselves.

Zoom's backstory was the darkest the show had explored up until that point and it played fairly well with the series' decision to explore its themes in a weightier fashion. In addition to this, his brutal style of combat helped differentiate from the still lethal but more precise Eobard and set the stakes at a thrillingly high level.

His transformation into the spectral Black Flash was an intriguing, albeit brief, status shift for the character, as he was beholden to the Speed Force's commands and instructed to hunt rogue speedsters.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.