The Flash: Ranking Every Season From Worst To Best

4. Season 3

The Flash Season 2 promo
The CW

Of all the evil speedsters The Flash has adapted, the Savitar debacle proved to be the weakest because, yet again, the length of the season undercut what the writers were trying to do.

Barry's battle with his evil futuristic time remnant was excellent in theory, and there are few words to describe the goosebump-inducing moment in which his troubled reflection revealed himself, but a season full of plot holes, convoluted time travel logic and too many on-the-nose 'I am the Future Flash' teases hindered what could have been the best narrative the show ever tackled.

Other things that held the season back were the confusing Dr. Alchemy subplot, the main narrative's damsel-in-distress treatment of Iris West and the swift wrapping up of the iconic Flashpoint storyline.

However, the season also produced some cracking episodes, the Savitar arc remained compelling the whole way throughout and it all came together in one of the show's better finales. And without a lot of the middling stuff, it could have been a great season - perhaps even better than the second.

In hindsight, it's easy to see why the show relied so heavily on evil speedsters because, in spite of Savitar's shortcomings, the arc was still head and shoulders above almost everything that came after it. And parts of it were so good, in fact, that it almost placed above this next entry...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.