The Flash Season 2: 15 WTF Moments From 'Flash Back'

1. Eddie€™s Message

Whilst the majority of WTF moments tend to be shocking, random or fun moments, this one was very much a hard-hitting emotional one. Safe to say, seeing past Eddie€™s video message played back to present Iris (as in the Iris with a dead fiancé) suddenly caused the room to get awfully dusty for the majority of those watching.

Hearing how much she means to Eddie will likely be used as some sort of trigger for Iris to now be able to move on with her life post-Eddie and maybe find love again, especially as we saw earlier in Flash Back how unsure of things she was.

Whether she moves on or she doesn€™t, it was still a heartbreaking moment to see Barry€™s emotional gift to Iris.

Agree with these WTF moments or have some of your own? Take to the comments section to let us know.

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