The Flash Season 2: 7 Ups And 5 Downs From 'Versus Zoom'

7. The Backstory Of Hunter Zolomon

The Flash Jay Cisco ups downs
The CW

One major thing that Versus Zoom got right is how it gave us a look into the backstory of Hunter Zolomon, aka Zoom, aka faux Jay Garrick.

We learned that Zolomon was a child whose younger days were filled of terror and torment, with him having witnessed his returned-from-war pops shoot and kill his mother for wanting to leave him.

Leaving a mark on Hunter, the youngster would end up in the care system, before eventually going on to kill a whopping 23 people on his path to being declared criminally insane and lined up for the death penalty.

Luckily for Hunter Zolomon, the particle accelerator accident of Earth-2 would happen just at the right moment to free him from his confines and also give him the gift of superspeed.

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