The Flash Season 2: 7 Ups And 5 Downs From 'Versus Zoom'

6. Wally Isn't A D*ck

The Flash Jay Cisco ups downs
The CW

Since debuting in the show earlier this season, the Wally West character has usually registered somewhere between ‘stroppy teenager’ and ‘total a**hat’. In Versus Zoom, though, it looks as if Wally could be turning a corner.

Key to this, of course, is the relationship between he and Joe West. For the first real time, here we got to see Wally show some serious warmth to his long-absent father. The bond is starting to build between the two, and the pair share a great on-screen dynamic.

Given how the comic book Wally West is such a vital character – y’know, because he becomes The Flash – it’s nice to see The CW version is getting some growth. It’s understandable that he’s a troubled teen when you realise his mother has died and he never knew his father, but now it’s time to start moving the Wally character forward.

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