The Flash Season 3: 10 Things You Need To Know About Kid Flash
9. History Repeated

In comic book lore, Wally West actually got his superpowers in the exact same way as Barry Allen.
With Wally having been a huge fan of The Flash, and with Barry dating Wally’s aunt Iris at the time, the Sultan of Speed sought to earn some brownie points. How better to impress your other half than to introduce her nephew to his hero?
Arranging for Wally to meet The Flash, Barry donned his famed outfit and had a chat with his #1 fan. Being the curious sort, the young West asked his idol how exactly he got his superpowers. As Barry explained that a batch of lightning hit a select group of chemicals that he was stood near (as per the original comic book origin of Barry), wouldn’t you know it, but comic book coincidence was just around the corner and ready to strike.
Yes, as The Flash explained this, noting that Wally just so happened to be stood in front of the exact same chemicals, a lightning bolt struck the chemicals and gave Wally West his own superspeed.
Where the TV show is concerned, it appears that Barry and Wally have received their powers in the same way as each other once more. We know that Barry was given superspeed following the initial particle accelerator explosion. It’s not been confirmed, but Wally was caught up in the chemically-driven blast of the second particle accelerator explosion, with this likely to be the reason that he’ll have his own superpowers when Season 3 arrives later this year.