The Flash Season 3: 7 Theories On Savitar's True Identity

4. H.R. Wells

The Flash Season 3 Savitar
The CW

Alternatively, could Savitar be none other than the latest version of Harrison Wells, AKA that loveable goofball H.R.? After all, he is the only person apart from Savitar to call Wally "Wallace." Is this just a strange coinkydink or a sly clue?

Perhaps the biggest piece of evidence for this theory would be how unexpected it is. The season has already teased that H.R. was hiding a villainous secret before revealing that he was apparently just a harmless guy masquerading as a genius scientist.

But what if that was the trick and he's really been Savitar all this time? Think about it, H.R.'s cheery comic personality means he is one of the characters we (should) least suspect.

Obviously, Harrison Wells has turned out to be evil before, as Eobard Thawne was wearing Well's face back in season one. So repeating this twist here could be criticised as an unoriginal move. Likewise, we have seen H.R. standing on the roof when Savitar kills Iris in the future.

But, then again, speedsters have been known to create copies of themselves in the past.

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