The Flash Season 4: 7 Problems It Needs To Fix

5. Introduce More Multi-Episode Villains

The Flash Season 4
The CW

A necessary evil of The Flash's 23 episode structure is that there must be many 'villains of the week' that are immediately disposed of. This isn't inherently wrong, as the various powers and personalities allow for some variety between each given episode. However, what this latest season lacked were some new recurring villains that stuck around after they were initially defeated by The Flash.

If Legends of Tomorrow has shown anything, it's that certain villains have potentially great character arcs that could be explored through additional screentime. Bad guys like Captain Cold continue to pop up not only because they're entertaining, but because if they were limited to a single episode, they wouldn't be able to realize their full potential.

While it's entertaining re-visiting established villains like Grodd and Killer Frost, some new blood outside of Team Flash could really improve the show's balance. Katee Sackoff's Amunet Black and Danny Trejo's Breacher are two potential mainstays that could become new fan favorites (if used properly). After all, there are plenty of heroes (and now three speedsters), so why not introduce some more evildoers as well?


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.