The Flash Season 5: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From 'The Icicle Cometh'

1. Killer Frost Is Back

The Flash S5 Killer Frost
The CW

When DeVoe made Killer Frost disappear last season, we were all left wondering when and if the icy antihero would ever return. But, after a long wait, our prayers were finally answered in 'The Icicle Cometh'.

When Caitlin discovered that her father wasn't actually her father but instead his icy alter-ego, The Icicle, she and her friends followed him to the D.O.D. Unfortunately for all of them, they couldn't do anything in the freezing temperatures and thus, couldn't stop The Icicle from injecting himself with a serum that would allow him to remain in Thomas' body permanently. Out of time and options, Caitlin successfully managed to channel her inner ice queen and, just like that, Killer Frost had returned.

While she isn't back permanently yet, the team did discover DeVoe hadn't used Melting Pot's powers to remove Killer Frost after all - he had simply used Brainstorm's to create a mental block. So Caitlin only needs to find a way to permanently overcome it, allowing Frost to make a full-time return.

Seeing the white hair, silver eyes and blue lips back on screen was undoubtedly a sight to behold, and it was a reminder of just how much the show missed Killer Frost. It was an epic return that will hopefully bring about an even better one when she makes a permanent comeback.

Now for the downs...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.