The Flash Season 5: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From 'The Icicle Cometh'

2. Sometimes Less Is More

The Flash S5 Cecile Ralph Investigate
The CW

Though this week's episode placed the spotlight on Caitlin's storyline, it didn't completely neglect the main narrative. With Caitlin, Barry and Cisco busy with The Icicle saga, this gave the writers the chance to once again make use of The Flash's large supporting cast - and what better way to do that than by having them remain focused on the major threat that is Cicada.

As a result, Ralph teamed up with Cecile and Iris teamed up with Nora and Sherloque Wells, with the two teams following leads that would link Cicada to the night of The Enlightenment. Not only did pairing them off into teams allow characters like Cecile to blossom, it also provided plenty of opportunity for development for Iris and Nora - thanks to an intervention from Sherloque.

Before the episode's conclusion, Team Flash managed to make significant progress in their investigation into the Big Bad, deducing the name of his injured daughter and bringing them one step closer to discovering his true identity.

This right here is how you make a standalone episode remain important to the overall story. While Caitlin's story needed to be told, it never came to life at the expense of the season's main arc or the other characters - and that is why 'The Icicle Cometh' is just as integral to the story as the rest of the season.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.